What is Balance?

When we think about health, diet and exercise are typically the first things that come to mind. However, good health isn’t just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and affect each other tremendously. For example, a stressful situation causing negative thoughts can lead to physical pain or illness. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance between your mind, body, and soul by nurturing your whole self, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Today, we are sharing our favorite ways to begin cultivating a mind-body-spirit balance. Slowly start incorporating these ideas into your daily routine and see how they positively impact your overall health.

Daily Movement. Shoot for at least 15 minutes of moderate to fast-paced exercise each day. Find an exercise you enjoy and start doing it regularly. Live close to work? Walk or ride your bike on nice days. Exercise is important for heart health, physical stamina, and mood.

Gratitude. Take some time each day to write or think about the things you’re grateful for, like family, friends, pets, food, shelter, health, or the beauty of nature.

Sleep. Proper sleep is regenerative for your body. The more sleep you get the better you will perform the next day.

Breath work. Whenever you think about it, stop and take a a deep breath. Over time this will become a healthy habit. We go through too much of our day holding our breath. Be mindful and take deep inhales and exhales each day to recenter. Integrating breath work can be as simple as a few minutes each morning, afternoon, and night or more involved with a guided practice in yoga.

Grounding. Plant your bare feet on the earth as often as possible. Get your toes in the soil or sand. Take off your shoes and walk in the grass for a bit.

Read and learn. Your education shouldn’t stop once you’re out of school. Open your mind to new possibilities, beliefs, and interests by reading, taking online classes, watching documentaries, and attending workshops.

Meditate. Meditation improves memory, attention, mood, immune system function, sleep, and creativity. All it takes is a few minutes a day to start reaping the benefits.

Spend more time with loved ones. In our busy lives we need to make time for the people who matter to us most.

Live your passion. Do more of what you love.

Get outdoors more. Go for a hike or stroll and enjoy nature!

Eat plenty of greens. Dark leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.

Avoid sitting for extended periods of time. Try to stand or move around while you work, if possible. Too much sitting is linked to heart disease, diabetes, and a shortened lifespan. Bonus points for getting outside for a bit to stretch your legs and get some vitamin D.

Add more plant-based foods to your diet. Eating lots of vegetables and fruit can help prevent chronic disease. Shop your local farmer’s market for fresh, in-season produce.

Listen to music. Feel free to sing along or dance.

Get harsh chemical cleaners out of your house. Shop green cleaners, or make your own.

Slow down. A little rest and relaxation when you’re used to spending lots of time on the go can replenish your mind and body. Take a break. Enjoy a change of pace and build that rhythm into your day, week, month, year.

Smile and laugh often. If you take life to seriously, you’re going to miss out on a whole lot of good times.

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