Good Night, Sleep Right.

Restful sleep is the foundation for your mental and physical well-being. After a day of stimulating activity, your body needs deep sleep when your mind and body can rest and reset. When you’re well rested, you’re more alert, able to process new information more efficiently, and you make better decisions. On the other hand, whenContinue reading “Good Night, Sleep Right.”

Mindfulness and Stress

You’re busy. In the race to finish the seemingly never-ending list of tasks, you speed up and multitask while thinking about what’s coming next or dwelling on what just happened. Through it all, you miss out on the present moment. Although you continue to do it, you know it’s not good for you or theContinue reading “Mindfulness and Stress”

Good Night, Sleep Right.

Restful sleep is the foundation for your mental and physical well-being. After a day of stimulating activity, your body needs deep sleep when your mind and body can rest and reset. When you’re well rested, you’re more alert, able to process new information more efficiently, and you make better decisions. On the other hand, whenContinue reading “Good Night, Sleep Right.”

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease consists of disorders involving the heart, blood vessels and the circulating blood. Worldwide, heart disease and strokes are the leading causes of death. They’re also the leading killers of Americans, accounting for one out of every three deaths in the United States. Also known as coronary artery disease, heart disease occurs when theContinue reading “What is Cardiovascular Disease?”

Is Your Heart Healthy?

Some call the heart the ‘second mind’ since there are so many interconnected nerves with the brain and also since the heart strongly responds to emotions, just like our minds. In many cases, a healthy heart relates to better overall health: better brain function, sexual health, longevity and improved quality of life. An estimated 90%Continue reading “Is Your Heart Healthy?”

A Happy Heart

All month long, we are focusing on a muscle that is near and dear to us, the heart. The heart is our most important muscle, it doesn’t take a break, so we really need to do our best to take care of it for our lifetime. So let’s talk about what we can do toContinue reading “A Happy Heart”

Heart Habits

About 80 percent of all cases of cardiovascular disease are preventable. You can lower your risk markedly by making some changes to your lifestyle including doing some things that are easy, simple and even enjoyable. Here’s what you need to know about heart health, along with some of the best ways to improve and protectContinue reading “Heart Habits”

Living with HEART

Over the past few decades, there has been considerable debate about which foods are harmful for heart health. First, it was widespread that butter increases cholesterol levels and it was safer to consume margarine. Then, it came out that margarine—which contains trans fat—was, in fact, harmful for heart health, and that butter was healthier. ThereContinue reading “Living with HEART”

New Year – New Spirit – New Intentions

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. Ralph Waldo Emerson Many of us get excited to make resolutions for the New Year. Especially after a year like 2020, the mental shift or turning of the page feels good, refreshing, hopeful. And that is an excellent spirit to maintain. Unfortunately, weContinue reading “New Year – New Spirit – New Intentions”

Living with HEART

Over the past few decades, there has been considerable debate about which foods are harmful for heart health. First, it was widespread that butter increases cholesterol levels and it was safer to consume margarine. Then, it came out that margarine—which contains trans fat—was, in fact, harmful for heart health, and that butter was healthier. ThereContinue reading “Living with HEART”